#audio@english_is_fun #phrasalverbs@english_is_fun FACE UP TO PHRASALS (BBC) - аудиокурс с короткими диалогами и связанным сюжетом. В каждом диалоге рассматривается фразовый глагол в контексте. 1) FIND OUT ABOUT Meaning: if you find out about smth, you discover a fact that you did not know before, often because someone was keeping it secret. 2) Episode 2: Not Guilty! Fred: Betty, you've got to believe me! I would never cheat on you Betty! Does Betty believe Fred? Go to episode 3 to find out! CHEAT ON Meaning: if you cheat on somebody, (your husband, wife, boyfriend or girlfriend) you secretly have a sexual or romantic relationship with someone else. 3) Episode 3: How Betty Knows Betty: I know all about your other lady Fred! Your friend Martin told on you! TELL ON Meaning: if you tell on smb, you give information about someone, usually about smth bad that they have said or done, to a person in authority (like a teacher, boss or parent), knowing that this will probably result in punishment. 4) Episode 4: Who's the Liar? Fred: Don't listen to Martin, Betty! It's not True! He's making it up! MAKE UP Meaning: if you make smth up, you invent an unTrue story or explanation, often in order to hide the truth. 5) Episode 5: Busted! Betty: I caught you out myself Fred! I saw you with that other girl! CATCH OUT Meaning: if you catch smb out, you find evidence to show that they have secretly been doing smth wrong or bad. 6) Episode 6: Fred's Story Fred: I was just looking after her, Betty. I gave her a hug because she was upset, that's all! LOOK AFTER Meaning: if you look after smth or someone, you take care of them and make sure they have what they need. 7) Episode 7: What Betty Saw Betty: It was a hug which turned into a kiss Fred! I SAW YOU!!! TURN INTO Meaning: if smth turns into smth, it becomes smth different. 8) Episode 8: Desperate Fred Fred: Please Betty, don't hang up! You know I love you Betty! HANG UP Meaning: if you hang up, you end a telephone call by breaking the connection between yourself and the person you are speaking to. 9) Episode 9: Betty Breaks It Off Betty: Face up to it Fred. This time, IT'S OVER!!! FACE UP TO Meaning: if you face up to smth, you accept the existence of a difficult situation. «English is Fun» – учите английский в удовольствие!

Теги: BBC audio phrasalverbs

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